In actuality, T4T is a misspelling of 2b2t, which is the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft history.

THIS SITE IS A WIP - Glitter Graphics


I am Rena, Bocchi, Menherachan, but mostly known as LUNAMILK. I am the creator of Kaiyohana, and I love seeing my characters suffer.

If you are looking this on a phone then the world is exploding due to the incaptiability. Sorry.

To introduce myself I go by all the names above, most people calling me Luna. Im a black 16 year old, demigirl, and omnisexual trying to live day to day life..

LIKES I adore video games such as Minecraft, Project Sekai, Deresute, Bandori, YTTD, Danganronpa, Irisu Syndrome, NSO, CRK, and Raincode. Im a huge fan of rythm games and killing games, they interest me a lot. Creative games are also comfroting too.

I love anime like NGE, Madoka Magica, Another, Higurashi, Angel Beats, Azumangah Daioh, Lucky Star, Aggretsuko, and Komi Cant Communicate.

My music taste is very vast. My favorite music artists are Korn, Babymetal, and Kikuo. Honorable mentions are Slipknot, Odetari, Dafootidve, Goreshit, Rory in the 20's, and Mitski.

Its obvious enough but I adore OCs. Mine and my friends, especially Kais. I like tragic sad characters such as Mafuyu Asahina and my beloved Irisu..

I love animals like tarantulas and cats, I think all animals should be protected..

DISLIKES I hate vegtables. I also hate people who hate my boyfriend, and I think asparagus and brustlesprouts are disgusting. I dont like it when crust is on my sandwhiches. I dislike people who hate on others fun and are judgemental or rude for no reason. I hate weirdos like shotas and lolicons, along with basic 'dni' criteria. Another extra thing is that cis men make me uncomfortable.


What was your inspiration for the project of Kaiyohana?

Often as a kid my feelings were ignored. As I grew up, I made characters inspired off of my emotions and mindset due to it being the only way for people to hear me. People have always said I had a knack for character creation, so I used my talent to release my emotion.

What genre is the story?

Its supposed to be a psychological horror with badass characters, comedy, and cool weapons. Did I mention the agonizing psychological torture the characters go through?

What is the goal you plan to achieve with your project?

To be heard.

What are your personal favorite things about your story?

The suffering. The characters too. Ive grown up with them and had them for years, im attached to them. Especially favorites like the WP participants, and fan favorites. I just like how funny and weird I made most of them, but at the same time, letting the character expierence pain they have had pent up. A formula I know how to put into a character oh so well~


This is the section dedicated to me talking about my day to day life or thoughts...

My Birthday!!! 2/11/24

What a fun day this was. I was worried it would be as pityful as last years, but today was joyous. I got to go to the mall with my lovely best friend Ari, and we got so much stuff. I hanged out with her at her house and got to see her cat, Chocolate. She gave me her figurine collection, so now my room is a cluttered mess. I love it. I have so much money to spend, but I want to save as much as I can.

I plan to spend my money on a Jax hoodie and some stuff from my shien/aliexpress cart... Im so excited!!! I also am gonna help Ari out with her neocities, I love coding!! Ari had a lot of cute posters in her room, which made me get on the laptop so I can use a doc to print out posters. Im gonna print out a lot, so im excited!! Im going to wrap this up now with how thankful I am.. thankful for all the love I gotten today, especially from my girlfriend Kai....

Computer!!!!!!! 2/3/24

I finally got my hands on the laptop!! Yess!!!! Ive been dying to code for so long. Recently a friend ordered me a keyboard and mouse for my iPad, so when I cant get on the computer I can just use my iPad. Ive also been on a job search. Im under the review at this one place, and I hope I get accepted. I have a lot of things in my online cart that I neeeeeed to buy... my birthday is coming up so I hope I can get money then/

Other than that I've been just napping and gaming all day. Enjoying my first weekend not in the hospital, how great~~ time to code~~~

Updates and Future Plans 1/31/24

Its been a few days. Thats because my mother baker acted me by telling lies. its a very long story, and it was a long week of needles, vitals, isolation, fights, sleepless nights, and being far away from home and my friends. I wouldnt want to go into detail since.. its personal, but it was awfully traumatic. im home now with new medication, i got back home on Sunday.

Im typing on my iPad right now fun fact. I came home ready to get on the laptop until i saw a note saying 'do not touch thank you.' I fear im not allowed on it anymore, which will significally drown my process in coding. i'll just skate to the nearest library if anything.. even though it will be tedious... but i will do anything to accomplish my dream of making Kaiyohana real.

I opened up to a dear friend of mine today. I was about to cry, and he told me he had candy. he pulled out cough drops. it made me confused, but smile. theres this phenomenon where you can snap someone out of their mental breakdown like state if you confuse them enough. hes a lovely person.

im thinking of revamping this entire site. having code thats completely mine will be nice, i also have really good ideas. i think thats all i have to say. oh, right. my birthday is soon. i dont like my birthday. my last birthday was traumatizing. I dont know if i'll ever see it the same.

Agony 1/18/24

today one of my male classmates told me that it is my fault when i get raped, since it is considered a sin to expose yourself to looking attractive.

i wish i could disappear.

My Cold and KYH Updates 1/16/24

Unfortunately.. after the 13th I have been suffering from an awful cold. Its hard to speak and my throat was extremely sore for a while. Its hard to breathe through my nose because its constantly stuffy.. i feel so exhausted, along with having shortness of breath. These pass few days have just been dragging me down. Im so tired and stressed from my cold and school. The end of the quarter ends this week, so having to study and pray I get passing grades is just all the more overwhelming.

As I was waiting for my bus I was completely drained from today. The unfortunate thing is that Im friendly with many people, so everyone was stopping me to say hi, take a picture for year book, or just making conversation. I love my friends, really I do, I was just desperate for a break in my thoughts and voice. My throat was hurting, afterall. In that moment I was wishing I was invisible, that way everyone would leave me be for the time being until I got my energy up. You know, it didnt help since these loud ass group is always yelling on the bus.. and well.. I had to sit right behind them due to me getting on the bus late. I had such a huge migrane. I eventually just closed my eyes and tried to control my headache.

Now as for Kaiyohana updates... I've been working hard at Amai's site and other lore involving the characters/story. In fact this is the first time I hopped onto the computer straight after school to code. Luckily, I have no due work tomorrow so I should be fine with having a free day today (thank God). Im very proud at how Amai's site is turning out, and I cant wait to make more things involving Kaiyohana.

I'd also like to add my obsession with The Digital Circus lately.. I've been obsessed since it came out, but recently I am just craving content- ESPECIALLY if it involves my favorites Gangle and Jax :3c.....

School and Work 1/13/24

School started again and im doing pretty okay. Finals is stressing me out a bit but I think my grades should be good for this quarter. Speaking of.. if its obvious enough, I havent had time to code or draw anything due to school. Im too busy with school, studying, and other hobbies. I do love working on Kaiyohana, but the last thing I want is for it to be a chore. The project is supposed to be fun, not a job I am forced to do against my will.. you know?

I need an actual job soon. I just hate the idea of being in a place where I can break down and my room isnt anywhere near. Im kind of just rambling at this point. Today I went shopping with my friends, it was very fun. I am in love with the jojifuku style and found some things that were perfect for it. Being with people who accept you is very comforting, but, I can never feel fully safe. I always wonder if they will betray me.. or if they'll get sick of me..

I hope not.

ANGEL BEATS and KYH Updates 1/6/24

Angel Beats is the most amazing anime that I've watched in a while.

I am just so in shock how such a heartwrenching yet hilarious anime can make me cry so much tears. Im personally a huge Madoka Magica and Evangelion fan, and Angel Beats was the perfect anime to feed me the type of heartbreaking psychological content. The anime is funny, yet realistic. Its relatable, yet unserious. The balance is so perfect to the point where it belongs in second place of my top anime list. If you have not watched Angel Beats, I beg you to check it out.

Enough of me nerding out... I am making quite the progress of my coding expierence. Im adding new stuff to this site, like floating stamps at the top.. cuz thats cool. I take inspiration from L4IN's site, wanting my neocities to look like this kawaii flashy early 2000's type of esque. I just compared mine to hers and well.. I got a long way to get there.. but its the effort that counts, right?

I was fearful that I would lose interest in coding. I feel as if this now a new hobby of mine, and I hope I never drop it. Thanks to coding, Kaiyohana seems like a serious think.. and I love that. Not only that, but coding my own website is perfect. I always thought instagram and twitter could never suffice my emotions because I hate it when people can text me and say something like, 'Your feelings is invalid' and stuff. I just want to be on a public stage (my site) and speak to you all without anyone telling me otherwise (this blog). Theres just so much freedom here and well.. im addicted. I wish I got into neocities earlier...

Anyways.. winter break is almost over, school is starting Monday. Its weird going from the break to work again, but its fine. Im use to the transistion thanks to me being a studious student~

Coding Coding 1/5/24

Finally, I figured out how to change my favicon and mouse cursor for my sites!! Ive been making very good progress on the Kaiyohana site. Coding actually feels really fun now, I love seeing my friends get excited with my creations. I was thinking of adding a chat box here, but I dont know where to put it... Oh well, I actually dont know if i want people to chat here. The purpose of this site is just for me to speak, cuz I wanna!

Recently I have been watching Angel Beats. God I adore it. Its not like those annoying fanservice animes that has something like incest, perverted stuff, or just weird shit anime has sometimes- its quite literally perfect. The character designs are nice and the character writing is entertaining. The comedy is really funny yet the story makes me tear up! I havent seen a good anime with a dark plot in a while, this is def one of my new favorites

Yui is my fav character, shes just like me

Drama 1/3/24

I felt like making a blog today. Yesterday was pretty interesting, there was this instagram page that popped up that was affiliated with one of the students from my school. It was dedicated to posting 'annoying people', and it followed me. Me and my friends suspect its someone we know.. actually, no doubt about it, it MUST be that person.. but I digress.

If you are wondering if someone posted me, yes. They did. At first I decided to post myself in the little question box, as I thought it would be funny. My friends knew this but still defended me anyway, (they're so kind), however.. someone did make a serious post about me. It said;

"Those who are defending Luna clearly hasn't seen her true colors ong" and another "Luna is genuinely so annoying I'm so srs, she's so fake as well :skull_emoji:"

Haha, those were really funny. It just sounds like this person just wanted to talk shit, since there was this one girl who despises my friendgroup and probably wrote that, or someone who was exposed to the other side of me, meaning that I stopped masking my BPD and Autisim. Either way, it made me laugh, and Im very invested..

Everyone was defending me. In fact, even the page itself. Kai sent death threats and reassured me in paragraphs, oh how I love my boyfriend < 3

New Years 1/1/24

This is my first blog post. Its almost 5am on New Years day, and im feeling an odd sense of emptiness. Thats why im coding now. Doing something that occupies my brain always makes me feel less empty. Kai told me about a phenomenon that includes feeling sad on New Years day because of the haunting thought that you will never be young again, however, im not sad because of that. Its... very complicated.. Or am I saying that because I dont think it matters that much?

Well at the end of the day I feel nice coming back to my roots. Staying up late nights alone on the internet and talking about my feelings. I already know the people here wouldnt care nor judge me for speaking. I cant even see whos viewing right now. Its so nice to speak and be listened to. I hate the consequences when I try and talk about how I feel.

Im going to really like this site.

bam bam pow!!!!